"Hard to see, the dark side is."
Fresh Lick of Paint...
By PaddyFedoo, March 13, 2001
With the recent redesign of the official site I just had to express my opinion on the new look site. In a nut-shell, I love the new version site. I think it's the best version yet. Granted I didn't see version 1 or 2 but over versions 3 and 4 I think there can be no contest. Version 3 was very scarce and wasn't updated with any regularity. Version 4 was a vast improvement. New sections, new features and a regular update. The only thing I could see wrong with version 4 is the fact that the Episode pages did not fit in with the rest of the site. The Episode I page looked completely different to the Episode IV page and there was also a completely different design to the Episode II page. This lack of continuity let the site down in a small way.
Now, however, all those worries are gone. The new look site is slick and continuous. Each section looks the same but manages to remain different so that you don't get lost. The 'Databank' is a welcome addition to the site. While there was a 'databank' in version 4 it seemed lacklustre and unfinished. So much more could've been done with it. But the new Databank has it all (as far as I can see). Not only does it tell you about the characters from the films with a full biography, you can also view their expanded universe adventures in a different section. Also the fact that there is a dedicated expanded universe and collecting section is another vast improvement over previous versions.
The site also has various news pages for each section of the site. While it may seem a burden to go to every news page throughout the site to read the updates, the official site has remedied this by creating the 'Star Wars Today' section in which all the most important news updates will be posted. This is similar to what the main page in version 4 was like.
Not only do we have all these new sections to explore but we also have the promise of more to come. The Databank section will be added to so that it will include information on creatures and species (which are unavailable as of writing) also on some sections is a download option. While this may only include such things as the Star Wars internet bowsers, it would be cool if it could also be used for other things like official Icons or mouse pointers or other things to brighten up your computer.
While there is so much more that can be written about the new look site, I don't believe I could ever do it justice. I hope that this design will stay with us for a long while and when it does finally change that some of the great sections and improvements will be kept.
Previous Editorials
Patience is a VirtuePaddyFedoo
DVD? There aint no such thingTipplehilti
Meeting the StarsJade (Starwarsian)
Fresh Lick of Paint...PaddyFedoo
The Price of HostingPaddyFedoo
The Journey HomePaddyFedoo